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Welcome to the hub of information commonly accessed during devCodeCamp's meetups and by intersted students. devCodeCamp presents bits, bytes, and snippets of useful code and data for your public viewing pleasure.

Find Out More About devCodeCamp

What does it mean to be a developer?

At devCodeCamp, we believe it means you dream big, want to solve problems, and like to think creatively. Our immersive bootcamp style of learning walks you though the entire process of making real life applications. This not only includes the functionality of the software, but you write it in a flexible, robust way so that your code may even outlive you.

From the start, you will dive into programming languages and tools used by major corporations and tech companies. Our project-based, hands-on learning harnesses the fun of coding. You will also learn to understand and solve the challenges commonly faced by software developers. Good software development stems from good software design. We also want to incorporate your own passion and ideas in later projects and apps that you’ll make. devCodeCamp wants to make your coding journey meaningful to you as well as relevant to hiring employers if you are looking at being hired at the end of our bootcamp. We want our students to love learning and spending time in our coding community.

Get Started!


The devCodeCamp Meetup offers workshops to help start or level up your software development career, we also feature speakers from the software development community discussing topics ranging from getting your start in development to specific technologies. Our mission is to empower individuals and disrupt traditional education with our immersive development bootcamps. Our approach is skill not school, our commitment is to provide an outstanding student experience, our deliverable is results.

View Upcoming Meetups

Intro to HTML & CSS

This is roughly a two hour workshop on web page development. We will take things slow and cover basic concepts of HTML and CSS.

Getting started with Javascript

Join us for this free workshop aimed at beginners and start to understand Javascript's importance to create rich web applications.

Getting started with Selenium

The roughly two-hour workshop will walk through the Selenium basics, including tests for web applications.

Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to dive in full force? Interested in getting more involved in the community? Have ideas you would like to share? That's great! Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!